Plenty of icebergs, King Penguins and a wonderful breeding colony of Gentoo Penguins.
On our fourth day out of Ushuaia, after crossing a sometimes stormy Scotia Sea, we arrived at South Georgia.
The north coast is littered with glaciers reaching down to the shore.
We were making good time so in the afternoon the ship went deep into the Bay of Isles on the north coast, where there are three colonies of King Penguins.
As this was an added extra there was no Zodiac tour but these were our first sightings of Antarctic penguins en masse, and King Penguins at that, the second largest species after the Emperors.
There were also many Antarctic Fur Seals and a number of Southern Elephant Seals.
The third King Penguin colony that we visited, on Salisbury Plain, has 60,000 birds.
Just as we were exiting the bay I saw two orcas - Killer Whales - through our cabin window, but by the time I got back outside they'd gone.
Late afternoon we left the bay to sail down the east coast to Godthul.
The cloud cover was quite low so it was a little difficult to photograph some of the impressive landscapes we passed.
Deep snow covering the hills and upper reaches, black rock mountains rising high above the coastal region which was a mixture of mountains dropping straight into the sea and lower, green, cliff-edged hills.
The following morning we were off Godthul, midway down the east coast of South Georgia, on a beautiful morning. There were icebergs everywhere.
After breakfast we got into the Zodiacs for a cruise around the bay, around 90 minutes looking at the icebergs, seabirds, elephant and fur seals and penguins, including King Penguins.
We made an excellent hike up the tussac-covered slopes to a large colony of breeding Gentoo Penguins. It was steep and difficult on the slope as it was boggy, following the course of a stream through the vegetation. But it was worth it to see the Gentoos.
It was very hot, much hotter than we'd expected, and I had far too many clothes on! Back on board I changed into lighter gear and we had a very welcome cold beer as the ship moved off to Stromness Bay.